Span Is For Wimps!

Welcome to, a website the celebrates all gliders great and small (especially the small ones). 'Sifow', as you have probably figured out by now is an abbreviation for the phrase 'Span Is For Wimps'. For many years the received wisdom in gliding was 'there is no subsitute for span' (or 'Tinsfos'). This may be partially true (although skill, good thermals and a lucky hat also play a big part) but it rather misses the point that gliding can and should be about having fun. is not however a span-ist site, it is a welcoming place that celebrates older and thinner glider. You really don't need twenty metres of carbon fibre or a pop up jet engine to have fun in gliding (tempting though it is). So put down your Arcus brochure, cancel the deposit on the JS1 and enjoy a different look at gliding!
If you would like to add a glider to the list, then send me an e-mail with some details please. Thanks for dropping by.
If you would like to add a glider to the list, then send me an e-mail with some details please. Thanks for dropping by.